Saturday, July 10, 2010

Recap: The End

Alright, so there you have it folks. If you've read this far, I congratulate you. You've suffered through my tiresome recaps on our trip. Another trip will be leaving soon, and I'm horribly jealous of them. I miss the Smiths dearly and pray for them often. Our team has one more meeting left to close out our time. I pray that after 2 months and all sorts of other changes in life, we will still get back together and remember our time with the Smiths, and still be moved to pray at the very least for them. And for you, the reader, I pray that some day you will follow suit and go yourself. If not Ethiopia, then somewhere...anywhere. There so much out there, so much need. But don't just go for a one time experience. Go to be a part of God's mission on Earth and i the nations. You won't regret it. Don't believe me? Then ask any of us: Heather, Steven, Chad, Shelley, Robert, Josh, Ruth, Victoria, Jessica, or Justin. They'll tell you all the other stories that I couldn't write out. In fact, even if you do believe me, go ask them. The story of the Smiths, of SIM, of Ethiopia and all that God is doing over there needs to be heard. So go ask, go listen, go love. Just go.

Thanks for reading this. I'd love to hear your comments. So comment accordingly.

And, as always, thank you for your support of our team, our church, the Smiths, and Ethiopia.

Paul Golangco.

P.S. For more stories from Ethiopia, be sure to check out the Smiths' blog at You'll also get to see some pictures of our team in action.

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